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Image by Daniel Koponyas

Commercial Portfolio


Cupcake Rapture Can Help Your Scale Your Business With High-Quality Video Assets

Image by Tofan Teodor

Eye-Catching Reels



  • Audiences are 70% more likely to engage with your business after watching a video 


  • Instagram and Facebook algorithms push reels to increase your visibility 

Image by Tofan Teodor

Powerful Testimonials

Fortify your proof wall with testimonials that show why YOU are the best person for the job

Image by Tofan Teodor

Engaging Brand Stories 

Show your consumers what you're made of  and connect with them on a personal level

Image by Tofan Teodor

High-Quality Commercials

Grab your audience's attention and cut through the noise with stylized advertisements for digital platforms

Image by Tofan Teodor

How Else Can You Use Video?

Landing Page / Anchor Video
Internal Training / External Training
Clickfunnel Videos
YouTube/ Podcast Video
Image by Alexander Grey

Book Your Consultation Today

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